Connecting Gee and Cuddy

1) The first theorem that Gee describes is all about how Discourses are not easily accessible. Its either you are in a Discourse or not. Someone must fully buy in to a Discourse of they truly want to be apart of one. A lot of times people attempt to be apart of something but then become pretenders. They are people who want to be on the inside but they cannot commit to it fully. Theorem two suggests that our primary Discourse cannot be criticized. This is said because the meta-knowledge of people cannot be put in to words. I think peoples primary Discourse could be criticized based on how society works. If someone is racists they can be criticized.
2) Mushfake is a term that basically means making something out of nothing. Meta-knowledge allows able to better manipulate your first language. Resistance students are students that are strong and resistant with large amounts of work. These three combined are the type of students that Gee says we should start producing. “So I propose that we ought to produce “mushfaking,” resisting students, full of meta-knowledge” (13).
3) Cuddy and Gee have similarities with their ideas but they are not exactly the same. Cuddy talks about our body language or our nonverbals. “So when we think about nonverbal behavior, or body language… its language, so we think about communication”. Her description of how our nonverbals equal language, connects to Gee’s descriptions of Discourses. One of the elements that Gee says is a part of a Discourse is body position. “Discourses are ways of being in the world; they are forms of life which integrate words, acts, values, beliefs, attitudes, and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions, and clothes” (7).


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