
“The abstract should be definitive rather than descriptive ; i.e., it should give facts rather than say the paper is ‘‘about’’ something. Since an abstract will usually be read by an average of 100 times more people than will read the full paper,”(17)

Nair and Nair make the abstract a significant aspect of what scientific writing is about. It is a mini version of the paper and it is read by so many more people, so if you can draw them in with the abstract then people will read the whole thing.

Practices (activities)

“An important point to remember is that the title, being the first part of the paper, will be browsed by the busy reader, and therefore must be neat, crisp, and coherent to attract the reader’s attention.”(15)

Nair and Nair reveal a key way to write the proper article. They say that the title is one of the most important part because that is what draws the reader in.

Cripps Sample

“Elements of the rhetorical frame include participants, their relationships and motives, and several layers of context.” (48)

Haas gives the elements of rhetorical frame. This shows the identities needed for the discourse of entering rhetorical frame



“A good introduction is relatively short. It tells why the reader should find the paper interesting, explains why the author carried out the research, and gives the background the reader needs to understand and judge the paper.”(18)

Nair and Nair tell the author how they can relate to the reader. It helps the reader relate and understand the author.


“When readers approach a discourse situation, they presumably have some knowledge or representation of the participants, including the identity, knowledge, and background of author and intended readers.”(48)

Right here Haas explains how the reader has prior knowledge of a situation in order to truly connect to the author. They connect together in this way.

Sign Systems & Knowledge
“Elements of the rhetorical frame include participants, their relationships and motives, and several layers of context.”(48)

These elements are the knowledge needed to know the rhetorical frame before your readings. Its all the elements needed for all the knowledge.

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